Please Pray For Larry

By | April 13, 2018
Please Pray For Larry

Please Pray For Larry

From Chuck Day   I wanted to make you all aware of something that has happened. My dear friend and Inspirational Country Artist Charee White-Salvucci‘s Husband Larry was in a very serious car accident. He has had to have emergency surgery as well as ICU and Specialist care. Most of you who are in music ministry know how an event like this can take all that you have! Your savings, missing concert dates as well as long term recovery and pain management! A GoFund Me account has been set up to help. PLEASE click on the link below and give a gift of love to this young newly wed couple! We have always stood together for those who have needed prayer AND help in our genre! NOW IS THE TIME to step up and make a contribution! Pray for them and for how YOU can help!

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